About this site . . .
They say “a word to the wise” is good advice, or at least enough. While I deliberately refrain from profound pronouncements about how others should lead their lives or make their way in the world (at least in print), I do think my occasional, considered observations about a form of art I love might be useful to one or two others who also enjoy live theatre.
Never one to go in a straight line when a bit of meandering or even circling back will do, I have created “Wise to the Words” as a way of sharing information and, yes, opinion, on Central Coast theatre performances, productions and people.
I can’t do this alone, however. As this site evolves, please let me know what you think. You can do that HERE.
About Charlotte Alexander . . .

The first time I experienced the exuberance and spontaneity of live theatrical performance was as Lady Macbeth in a grade school production of a 20-minute (obviously condensed) version of the Scottish Play. Admittedly the thrill of swearing “Out, damned spot” at my young age with sanction from my sixth-grade teacher (and my mother) contributes to my fond memories of the event. But there my love of live performances began.
Acting was never my forte, however, and by the time I got to college I had settled well into a behind-the-scenes role, designing and/or building costumes for almost every production in my four-year tenure in the DePauw University Communications Department (my undergraduate degree is in communications with an emphasis in theatre).
More interested in writing and publishing than the dramatic arts as a profession, after college I turned in my spare time to community theatre as an outlet for pursuing that thrill of opening nights, magical moments on stage and behind-the-scenes camaraderie that comes with the sharing of an inclusive, participatory art.
Now, by reviewing performances, I get the immense satisfaction of sharing my passion for live theatre by writing words that I hope inform, enlighten, and ultimately encourage you to attend a performance and see for yourself what a delight it is every single time the lights go down and a live performance begins.
If you have read this far, I hope you will consider patronizing and/or donating your time, talent or funds to the brave companies who keep theatre alive on the Central Coast. You won’t regret it!